Michaels Shopping Experience Redesign

Michaels was undergoing a complete user-driven redesign to overhaul its D2C (online and in-store), and B2C (3rd party community shopping) experiences.


  • Enterprise Design System Lead
  • Shopper Return Experience Product Design Lead

Enterprise Design System


While the new Michaels design system supports the customer-facing experiences, the enterprise digital experience has specific needs and requires design solutions that are not supported by the global design system and there are inconsistent design solutions in various pods that requires time-consuming realignment.


A supplemental enterprise design system to use in addition to the parent design system, this supplemental design system provides design elements that carter to specific enterprise nuances and needs. I facilitated problem framing workshops to collect enterprise needs from product owners, designers, and engineers; developed user surveys and interviews strategies; conducted walk-through sessions to collaborate with engineers once design solutions are validated by user testings and approved by design leadership, and hosted training sessions with enterprise product design pods designers.

I was the point-of-contact for advocation, creation, and governance of the enterprise design system consumed by 6 product design pods.

snippet of component library

Michaels enterprise users are power users trained and accustomed to working with large amount of information and complex interfaces to perform their tasks and they are provided with large monitors to work with on-site or at home.

Some enterprise-specific design needs:

  • smaller type sizes needed to enable more information displayed on screen without scrolling

• tighter spacing to conserve real estate

• component with scalable variants structure to accommodate complex user needs

Shopper Return Experience


The shopper return experience was used by online shoppers (D2C), 3rd party sellers (B2C), and Michaels customer support agents (enterprise solution); each user group has unique needs and priorities that are at times conflicting.


Problem framing workshops with all 3 user groups to understand their priorities ad establish holistic priorities that serves ALL 3 groups, and user testings to validate proposed hypotheses for all user groups to ensure design solutions are thoughtful and intentional. The end result is a shared experience that supports all user groups seamlessly without jeopardizing the priorities of any group.

I served as the liaison between product design director, product owners, scrum masters, product designers, and engineers.

real time messenger for customer, 3rd party seller, and Michaels agent (as mediator) to resolve order dispute