State of Ohio Service Design

The state of Ohio was in the midst of standardizing its digital experience for Ohioans to access a vast variety of services from existing agencies such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Unemployment Insurance in Ohio (OJI), and other initiatives.


  • Design Lead
  • Account Point of Contact (Design)



New, on-going, and existing experiences are all candidates for SSO rollout and new design system consumption, and more agencies are expected to join the initiatives continuously. How best to distribute resource and minimize conflict of interest? What’s the most efficient and effective way to collaborate among agencies and departments?

high-level user journey maps with modular experiences prioritized for iterative implementation


Facilitated series of problem framing and design thinking workshops with State stakeholders, CX, UX, change management counterparts to put together high-level roadmap.

  • co-created fluid and flexible high-level roadmap to accommodate ambiguities
  • customer journey (CX) maps, back-end process flows, and reprioritization of business resources for holistic customer experience and product ecosystems
  • facilitated workshops with individual agencies to validate their needs against the high-level roadmap and revise as needed
  • pilot implementation for small group of agencies to validate, test processes & protocols, and correct any potential issues before implementing to larger groups
  • rolling implementation to ensure minimal service interruption

product user journey map with modular experiences, some shared with other products

Single-sign-on {SSO)


The target audience is the residents of the entire state of Ohio and the State employees, which means the customer experience (CX)  and design solutions needs to be universal and accommodating for the vast varieties of users. Change management is another crucial component for smooth transition for the existing users and to attract new Ohioans to sign up. Some experiences are embedded throughout the State ecosystem and might appear the same for the user, the fact that they are separate services or flows should not distract users from their tasks at hand

selected personas and associated user flows


  • wide-range of user personas to understand the users with various habits and digital literacy levels
  • thorough user journey maps to cover as many scenarios as possible
  • multiple focus group and user testings to validate design hypotheses constantly
  • centralized dashboard and standardized UX structure for multiple agencies and services to create seamless user experience
  • CX provide elaborate self-served options and resource so users can trouble-shoot with ease
  • automated mundane repeatable tasks to streamline person-based support resource
  • consolidated digital knowledge base to enable State employees to quickly trouble-shoot when users reached out directly for primarily crucial cases

sitemap of a product that serves BOTH Ohioans and State employees

new apps dashboard

Design System


The state launched a new expanded design system (DS) to ensure BOTH its existing and new user experiences are accessible and inclusiveness compliant. New UI needs arise when simultaneously working on multiple products with different timelines, another layer of complicity was the need to update the vast amount existing experiences to consume the new design system.


  • collaborated with the state UX counterpart to monitor and revise DS governance strategy to accommodate large amount of new contributions from various products
  • reaccessed  on-going initiatives for feasibility to switch to the new design system with an updated project plan or switch at a later iteration if updating the project plan wasn’t a viable option
  • bundled and worked co-currently on products with similar UX UI needs to maximize resource and avoid redundant work

global step indicator in desktop and mobile for SSO experiences

shared reusable components used in various State experiences